Frozen (and the Fish) by Ciara

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It was a beautiful day. Anna and Elsa were enjoying a picnic outside the castle and chatting about last year. It seemed like ages ago that Elsa had nearly caused an eternal winter. Sitting here with Olaf Kristof and Sven it seemed like all their troubles were behind them.

Anna started to feel bored.

“Elsa, I’ve heard that there’s a secret room in the castle” said Anna vivaciously.

“Let’s go see what’s inside” Elsa replied, “Do you know where it is?”

“Nope” Anna sighed

“Let’s ask our talking apple friend, Munchie, he might know” suggested Olaf.

So they went off to talk to Munchie. They found him in his apple tree near the front of the castle.

“Hello Munchie!” called Olaf.41lwrn7MxLL._SY300_

“Do you remember where that secret room is in the castle, we’re trying to find it?”

“Yes, I do” whispered Munchie.

“Let me bring you there”, whispered Munchie. So off they went creeping along the long dark corridors.

Finally they arrived at the secret room. There was a mat at the door and under the mat was a key.  Anna removed the key from under the mat and she unlocked the door and peeped inside.


They found a little fish trapped inside a big tank, all alone. So they decided that they would find a friend for the fish.  Elsa used her magical powers to create a friend for Bubbles the fish.  Bubbles was very happy to have a friend to play with in the tank, he thanked them for his new friend.

Munchie, Olaf, Anna and Elsa said good bye and left the secret room.  Elsa put the key back under the door and off they went to have some dinner.


The End.

By Ciara